Prof. Henning Klöter gives Lecture at Taipeh National Library: 「寰宇漢學講座」2013年10月3日(星期四)下午3時至5時主講人:韓可龍(Henning Klöter,德國哥廷根大學東亞系教授)講 題:明末清初西班牙傳教士之閩南方言文獻研究 主持人:連金發(國立清華大學語言學研究所教授) 主辦單位:漢學研究中心 時 間:2013年10月3日(星期四)下午3時至5時 地 點:國家圖書館一樓188會議室(臺北市中山南路20號) 語 言:中文 聯絡人:孫守恩 電 話:(02)23619132轉318 傳 真:(02)23712126 線上報名:
Year: 2013
Lecture Series: A different kind of immigration: Chinese spouses in Taiwan
Lecture Series A different kind of immigration: Chinese spouses in Taiwan Monday, July 1, 2013, 6 pm, KWZ, Room 0.606 Prof. Wan-Ying Yang Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University, Taipei Chinese spouses have been classified into a special category of immigrants, essentially different from any other kinds of immigrants in Taiwan. Taiwanese nationalism defines…
Lecture Series: Die Kulturrevolution im Familiengedächtnis
Lecture Series Die Kulturrevolution im Familiengedächtnis Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher (Göttingen, Wien) 28. Juni 2013, 16:00 Uhr, KWZ 0.601 Beispiele aus Film, Literatur und Bildender Kunst zeigen den „langen Schatten“ der Kulturrevolution. Dieser bleibt jedoch für die Sozialwissenschaften schwer wissenschaftlich fassbar. In diesem Projekt werden daher Zeitzeugen und ihre Nachfahren in Wuhan befragt. Sie werden…
Lecture Series: Hermes und Buddha in Japan
Lecture Series Hermes und Buddha in Japan PD Dr. Dr. Franz Winter (Wien) Zeit/Ort: 3. Juli 2013, 18:30 Uhr, KWZ 0.603 “Hermes und Buddha in Japan. Ein Neuzugang auf dem religiösen Markt und seine Präsentationsstrategien” Die 1986 gegründete Religionsgemeinschaft Kôfuku no kagaku, die sich international als Happy Science präsentiert, zählt zu den jüngsten…
The 2nd Göttingen East Asia Research Salon
The 2nd Göttingen East Asia Research Salon From Peasant to Pastor: The rural-urban transformation of Protestant Christianity in Linyi, Shandong Province June 17, 2013, 6pm – 8pm KWZ, Seminar Room 0.606, Heinrich – Düker – Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen Presenter: Kang Jie, PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity…
Lecture Series:Medicincal Delicatessen
Lecture Series: Medicincal Delicatessen Chinese medicine practitioners and substances in contemporary China Friday, June 7, 2013, 3 pm, KWZ, Room 0.609 Dr. Lena Springer EASTmedicine research centre, University of Westminster, London Lecture Abstract: This talk presents findings of a multi-sited ethnography based on recent fieldwork in Sichuan province, China: in a remote region and in…
The 1st Göttingen East Asia Research Salon
The 1st Göttingen East Asia Research Salon Matteo Ricci in East West Music Exchange May 6, 2013, 6pm – 8pm CeMEAS, Seminar Room, Heinrich – Düker – Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen Presenter: Wong Tsz, PhD Student, Expert Cultures from the 12th to the 16th century Commentators: Thomas Kaufmann, Faculty of Theology/Church History Axel Schneider, Department…
Lecture Series Latecomer Countries
VORTRAG: How Can Latecomer Countries Catch-Up? (Vortragssprache: Deutsch) A Case Study of China‘s High-Speed Rail Dienstag, 30. April, 2013 14 Uhr c.t., KWZ 2.601 Prof. Dr. Junhua Zhang Jiaotong University, Shanghai Dr. Junhua Zhang currently is a Professor of Political Science at the School of International and Public Affairs of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University…
Lecture Series Comparative Terror
Lecture Series: Comparative Terror in China and Taiwan Peformances and Realities in Regime Consolidation: The Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries and the White Terror in Su’nan and Taiwan, 1950-1954 Monday, May 13, 2013, 6 pm, KWZ, Room 0.606 Julia C. Strauss SOAS, University of London Lecture Abstract: Much of the state building literature that comes from…
Lecture Series Environmental Communication
Lecture Series: Environmental pollution in China. New media and public participation: The case of air pollution Wednesday, April 24, 2013 18:00 – 19:30, Seminar Room 0.609, KWZ Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14 Prof. Li Ji School of Journalism and Communication, Wuhan University The air pollution problem in China has been taken as the most serious environmental challenge facing…
2 Postdoctoral Research Positions at CETREN! The CeMIS CeMEAS transregional research network seeks to fill two reserach positions for the pilot project “Secularism and New Religiosities”. The project examines new forms of religiosity that emerge under various regional or national regimes of secularism, and how these are shaped in transnational arenas of cultural, political and…
“The Politics of the New” Transregional research network CETREN with focus on India and East Asia launched at the University of Göttingen Funded with a 1.2 million euro grant from the BMBF, CETREN will produce and sustain intellectual and institutional collaborations between existing area studies centres at the university: The Centre of Modern Indian Studies…