Global China Conversations

The Global China Conversations provide a 60-minute online discussion forum that fosters the exchange of ideas between research and practice. The Conversations are hosted by the Kiel Institute China Initiative in cooperation with the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies (CeMEAS) at the University of Göttingen, KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zürich, and Wildau Technical University of Applied Sciences.

Our invited speakers – academics, policymakers, and practitioners – present their insights on key issues related to China’s growing role in the world economy and the implications for German and European businesses and policymaking. The Conversations offer a research-based discussion forum to exchange views and experiences on Europe-China economic relations.

The Conversations take place on an irregular basis (roughly once per month) and are scheduled on Thursdays before lunchtime in Europe (11:00 AM) and dinnertime in China (5:00 PM).
The Conversations will take place in English or German as will be announced in the invitation email and on the individual event website.

We look forward to your participation and interesting debates.

Further Information: Kiel Institute China Initiative

Apr 29, 2024
Global China Conversations #32
Umgang mit Daten: Welche Herausforderungen bestehen für ausländische Unternehmen in China?
Prof. Dr. Stephan Meyer, Technischen Hochschule Wildau
Sebastian Wiendieck,  Leiter der Rechtsabteilung von Rödl & Partner in China.

Apr 29, 2024
Global China Conversations #31
Chinese Industrial Subsidies: Impacts on EU-China Trade?
Prof. Dr. Rolf J. Langhammer, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Dr. Volker Treier,  Foreign Trade, the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK).

Apr 25, 2024
Global China Conversations #30
From partnership to rivalry: Can Germany assert itself in a world shaped by China?
Prof. i.R. Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, the University of Vienna
Dr. Martin Thümmel, Southeast Asia and the Pacific at the Federal Foreign Office  

Mar 14, 2024
Global China Conversations #29
Challenges in China’s financial system: consequences for Germany and the world?
Prof. Sandra Heep, Bremen University of Applied Sciences
Dr. Peter Bednarek, Deutsche Bundesbank

Jan 25, 2024
Global China Conversations #28
Prospects of the Chinese Economy: Short Aalady or Fundamental Slow-down?
Adam Posen, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Stefan Kooths, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Dec 07, 2023
Global China Conversations #27
Zukunft der Technologiestandards: Deutschland und China im Wettbewerb?
Katja Krüger, DIN
Daniel Fuchs, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Nov 30, 2023
Global China Conversations #26
The Chinese Anti-espionage Law: What Risks for Companies and the Scientific Community?
Isabelle Feng, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Kai Kim (né Schlender), Taylor Wessing, Shanghai

Oct 26, 2023
Global China Conversations #25
Diversifizierung: Kann Indien eine Alternative zu China sein?
Moritz Schularick, IfW Kiel
Stefan Halusa, AHK Indien
Florian Wenke, GTAI Indien

Sep 21, 2023
Global China Conversations #24
Global Gateway und die Belt and Road: Eine Nachhaltige Alternative?
Reinhard Bütikofer, Europäisches Parlament
Christoph Nedopil, Griffith University

July 20, 2023
Global China Conversations #23
Russia’s Ties with China: Helping or Hindering the Yuan in Becoming an International Currency?
Prof. Dr. Rolf J. Langhammer, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Alicia García Herrero, Natixis CIB

Jun 29, 2023
Global China Conversations #22
Deutsche Forschungskooperationen: Wissen Schaffen für oder mit China?
Matthias Stepan, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Sascha Klotzbücher, Universität Bratislava

May 11, 2023
Global China Conversations #21
Geopolitik im Rohstoffmarkt: Wie balanciert Europa Chinas Zentralität?
Markus Herrmann Chen, China Macro Group
Nadine Godehardt, Deutschen Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit

Apr 20, 2023
Global China Conversations #20
Hidden Debts and Defaults: A Chinese Debt Trap for Africa?
Christoph Trebesch, Kiel Institute
Hannah Ryder, Development Reimagined

Mar 16, 2023
Global China Conversations #19
Braucht Deutschland eine China-Strategie?
Prof. Holger Görg, Kiel Instituts für Weltwirtschaft.
r. Katja Leikert, Deutscher Bundestage

Feb 16, 2023
Global China Conversations #18
Gefahr eines Angriffs auf Taiwan: Wie wahrscheinliche ist er und wie reagiert die Wirtschaft?
Dr. Sarah Kirchberger, Universität Kiel, Atlantikrat, Deutsches Maritimes Institut (DMI)
Shin-Horn Chen, Chung-Hua Institution für Wirtschaftsforschung

Jan 26, 2023
Global China Conversations #17
Legal Uncertainties: What is the Impact of China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign?
Jörg Wuttke, BASF China, EU Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Kautz , University of Göttingen

Dec 15, 2022
Global China Conversations #16
Deutscher Mittelstand im chinesischen Markt: Was sind die aktuellen Chancen und Herausforderungen?
Julia Güsten, Sharehouse (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.
Claudia Gläser , Gläser GmbH

Nov 24, 2022
Global China Conversations #15
Foreigners Leaving China: What Consequences for Multinationals and the Chinese Economy?
Maximilian Butek, German Industry and Commerce Shanghai, German Chamber of Commerce China
Dr. Wan-Hsin Liu, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Oct 27, 2022
Global China Conversations #14
Compliance in China zwischen Sozialpunkten und wachsender Regulierung: Welche Herausforderungen stellen sich für Unternehmen?
Rainer Burkardt, Anwaltskanzlei Burkardt & Partner in Shanghai
Dominik Nowak, Martin Mantz Compliance Solutions

Sep 08, 2022
Global China Conversations #13
Krieg in der Ukraine: Ein Gewinn für China?
Dr. Marina Rudyak, Universität Heidelberg & Universität Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Julian Hinz, IfW Kiel & Universität Bielefeld
Aug 18, 2022
Global China Conversations #12
Green Growth: What can we Expect from China?
Dr. Sebastian Eckardt, World Bank
Prof. Dr. Xiliang Zhang, Tsinghua University
Jun 16, 2022
Global China Conversations #11
Can China achieve its 2022 GDP growth target of 5.5%?
Prof. Dr. Helge Berger, IMF Asia and Pacific Department
Prof. Dr. Justin Gifu Lin, Peking University

May 19, 2022
Global China Conversations #10
The Race for Technology Sovereignty: The Case of Government Support in the Semiconductor Industry
Dr. Sophia Helmrich, Federation of German Industries (BDI e.V.)
Jehan Sauvage, OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate
Christian Steidl, OECD Policy Analyst

Apr 28, 2022
Global China Conversations #9
Chinas Sozialkreditsystem: Welche Auswirkungen hat es auf deutsche Unternehmen?
Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer, Universität Würzburg
Veronique Dunai, IHK Frankfurt am Main

Mar 24, 2022
Global China Conversations #8
EU-China-Handelskonflikte und der Fall Litauen: Welche Rolle spielt die WTO?
Christian Hederer, Technischen Hochschule Wildau
Jürgen Matthes, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Feb 17, 2022
Global China Conversations #7
How do investment screenings affect (Chinese) direct investment?
Dr. Alexander Honrath, Head of the European China Desk of Eversheds Sutherlands
Dr. Joachim Pohl, OECD Investment Division

Feb 3, 2022
Global China Conversations #6
40 Years of Poverty Reduction in China: What are the Challenges?
Branko Milanovic, Senior Scholar, Stone Center on Socio-economic Inequality at the City University of New York
Martin Raiser, Country Director for China and Mongolia and Director for Korea, World Bank

Dec 16, 2021
Global China Conversations #5
Reshaping Global Industrial Chains: Options for China
Dr. Qiyuan Xu, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP) at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Prof. Dr. Rolf J. Langhammer, Former Vice-President, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Nov 25, 2021
Global China Conversations #4

„Innovation Made in China“ – How effective is Beijing’s innovation policy?
Dr. Philipp Böing, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Wolfgang Krieger, Federation of German Industries (BDI e.V.)

Oct 28, 2021
Global China Conversations #3
Making Chinese Foreign Aid Transparent – What is Hidden in Data and Policy Documents?
Dr. Bradley Parks, AidData
Marina Rudyak, Heidelberg University

Sep 30, 2021
Global China Conversations #2

China’s competition with European companies: Fair competition or illegal subsidization?
Jürgen Matthes, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Baetge, Technische Hochschule Wildau

Aug 26, 2021
Global China Conversations #1

China and Europe: Risky economic dependencies?
Prof. Gabriel Felbermayr (Präsident des IfW)
Jörg Wuttke (Präsident der EU-Handelskammer China)


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