Lecture: Chinese Multinationals going Global: Strategies and Challenges

Lecture: Chinese Multinationals going Global: Strategies and Challenges

Thursday, June 12, 2014
4pm, Theologicum Hörsaal T01
Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer


Over the past decade many Chinese enterprises have expanded their operations overseas and became substantive players in several industries and host countries.
This talk will explore the strategies that these Chinese companies pursue to catch up withglobal industry leaders, focusing in particular on processes of learning about international
business operations, and the acquisition of strategic assets overseas. It will also explore differences in these strategies between the first wave of overseas investments by state enterprises that still dominate many sectors in China, and the second wave led by private companies in a wide range of manufacturing sectors. Despite the impressive acceleration of outward investments, Chinese multinationals face considerable challenges managing
their overseas operations, especially acquired business units. The talk will thus conclude by outlining these operational and cross-cultural challenges, and discuss approaches to managing them.


Photo: Mike Behnken, I ♥ Shanghai, CC BY-ND 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikebehnken/5118469004/