Benjamin Creutzfeldt joined our Centre in January 2021 and was a visiting fellow at CeMEAS since April 2021. Prior to that, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at SAIS Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and a Resident Fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Studies from Externado University in Colombia, and is also a historian of Chinese art with ample experience as an auctioneer and start-up entrepreneur in China, Colombia, Panama and the United States. In parallel to his research activities at Göttingen University, Creutzfeldt is a lecturer for Chinese Politics and Society at Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru.
For the past ten years, he has researched and published widely on China’s relations with Latin America. He is interested in both the practical and the theoretical aspects of China’s foreign policy: diplomacy, and Chinese IR Theory.
Chinese Foreign Policy; China’s Relations with Latin America; Diplomacy; China and the Global South
Creutzfeldt, Benjamin & Victor M. Mijares. “Cautious engagement: continuity and change in the relations between Xi Jinping’s China and Nicolás Maduro’s Venezuela.” In China and Latin America in the 21st Century, edited by Nele Noesselt. Marburg: Tectum, 2020: 107-132.
BC. “Chinese Financing in Colombia: A Laggard in Latin America.” In China’s Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean, edited by Enrique Dussel Peters. Mexico City: UNAM, 2019: 321-335.
BC. “Overcoming the Greatest Distance: China in Latin America.” In New Perspectives on China’s Relations with the World: National, Transnational and International, edited by Daniel Johanson, Tsunghan Wu and Jie Li. London: E-International Relations, 2019: 134-141.
BC. China’s Engagement with Regional Actors: The Pacific Alliance. Washington: Wilson Center, July 2018.
“Not all plain sailing: opportunities and pitfalls for Chinese investment in Peru.” Asian Perspective, vol.14, no.4 (December 2016): 603-626.
BC. “Diplomacia cultural china en Colombia, alcances y resistencias.” In La diplomacia cultural china en América Latina, edited by Romer Cornejo. Mexico City: Colegio de México, 2018: 199-228.
BC. “Latin American Views of Chinese and US Policy.” Chapter 4 in China, the US, and the Future of Latin America, edited by Dave Denoon. New York University Press, 2017: 83-106. (Peer-reviewed.)
BC. “One Actor, Many Agents: China’s Latin America Policy in Theory and Practice.” Ch.1 in The Political Economy of China-Latin American Relations in the New Millenium: Brave New World, edited by Margaret Myers and Carol Wise. New York: Routledge, 2016: 15-30. (Peer-reviewed.)
BC. “Not all plain sailing: opportunities and pitfalls for Chinese investment in Peru.” Asian Perspective, vol.14, no.4 (December 2016): 603-626.
BC. “中国与拉美地缘政治 [The Geopolitics of China in Latin America].” Chapter 12 in 全球精英眼中的中国战略走向 [Directions in China’s Strategy in the Eyes of Global Experts], edited by Men Honghua & Pu Xiaoyu. Hangzhou: Zhejiang People’s Publishing, 2016: 187-194.