CeMEAS Conversations: Prof. Ge Zhaoguang 葛兆光

CeMEAS Conversations: Prof. Ge Zhaoguang 葛兆光

CeMEAS Conversations:
How did China become a modern nation-state?

We are excited to present Prof. Ge Zhaoguang as part of our CeMEAS Conversations. In this video we discuss how China became a modern nation-state, by exploring China’s response to modern challenges from the angle of historiography and religion.

Ge Zhaoguang is a Distinguished Professor of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He received his BA and MA from Peking University (1982, 1984). Before he joined Fudan in 2007, he was professor in the History Department of Tsinghua University in Beijing from 1992 to 2006. Prof. Ge served as Director of National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Fudan University from 2007 to 2013. Prof. Ge’s research focuses on ancient China, its religion, culture and history. His works include: A History of Chinese Zen Buddhist Thought: From the 6th to 10th Century (1995, 2006); An Intellectual History of China (Volume 1-2, 1998, 2000); Here in ‘China’ I Dwell: Reconstructing Historical Discourses of China for Our Time (2011, its English translation was recently published by Brill in 2017); Inner and Outer in Historical China (2017), etc. Prof. Ge has won a series of book prizes, including Asia Pacific awards in Japan (2014), Paju Book Award in South Korea (2014), HongKong Book Award (2015).

葛兆光,北京大学研究生毕业,曾任清华大学教授,现为上海复旦大学文史研究院及历史系特聘资深教授。主要研究领域是中国宗教、思想和文化史。主要著作有《禅宗与中国文化》(1986)、《道教与中国文化》(1987)、《中国思想史》(两卷本,1998,2000)、《增订本中国禅思想史——从6世纪到10世纪》(1995,2006)、《宅兹中国——重建有关中国的历史论述》(2011)、《想象异域——读李朝朝鲜汉文燕行文献札记》(2014)、《何为中国:疆域、族群、文化与历史》(2014)、《历史中国的内与外:有关“中国”与“周边”概念的再澄清》(2017)等。曾担任世界各地多所知名大学的客座教授或访问学者,包括日本京都大学、东京大学、美国Princeton大学、Chicago大学、哈佛燕京学社、法国巴黎高师、比利时Leuven大学以及台湾大学等。曾获第一届“中国图书奖”(1988)、第一届“长江读书奖”(2000)、第一届Princeton Global Scholar(2009)、第三届 Paju Book Award(韓國,2014)、第26届“亚洲·太平洋”大奖(日本,2014)等。

CeMEAS Conversation Editors: Sarah Eaton & Katja Pessl