Lecture: Factors Shaping Migration Regime: The Case of Taiwan in Comparison to Japan and South Korea

Lecture: Factors Shaping Migration Regime: The Case of Taiwan in Comparison to Japan and South Korea
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
2pm, OEC Room 0.168
Prof. Dr. Yen-Fen Tseng


Investigating the linkages between migration and development, four major migration regimes have been identified by existing literature, each exhibiting distinct characteristics: Migration within the Europe Union; Contract workers in the Persian Gulf from South and Southeast Asia; The brain drain to North America, Migration transition in East Asia. Studying migration regimes enables one

to identify clusters of countries with policy features in common. At the same time, it can detect the points of departure leading to divergent paths and variations within each cluster. This talk focuses on the East Asia migration regime, exploring the common policy features of Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, offering explanations as to factors shaping migration regime. In offering explanations, the perspective of factors within political system is adopted, as opposed to political economy and pluralist society approach. The case of Taiwan will be discussed in greater details, highlighting specific features in immigration control and incorporation policies, as compared to its two other East Asian counterparts, Japan and South Korea.

Picture:CC BY 2.0, Zebra cross, Taipei, Taiwan, Luke Ma, https://www.flickr.com/photos/lukema/7798907852/