Lecture: The Thinking of Chinese Higher Education Reform and Features of Internationalization Process

9282149345_d649b7215d_oReform and Internationalization of
Higher Education in China
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
2pm, Waldweg 26, Raum 6.103
Prof. Qiuheng Shi


This lecture will focus on core issues of Chinese Higher Education reform and shed light on national strategies of modernization and internationalization.

Two national reform strategies will be laid out and analyzed  to give detailed insight into the processes and structures of Higher Education reform.Based on these foundations, the internationalization of Chinese Universities and their strive to catch up with educational institutions in the West will be discussed.


Picture: Kevin Dooley, Graduation Day at Nanjing University, CC BY 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/pagedooley/9282149345/