Dr. Lingling Ni joined CeMEAS in March 2023.
After completing her major in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language at East China Normal University in Shanghai, she became a teacher of Chinese and Literature at the High School Affiliated to Tongji University. Afterwards, she came to Germany to study Germanistic, Ancient Chinese Philology and Pedagogics at the University of Trier. After graduation, she became a lecturer of Chinese at the University of Bonn. Since April 2010, she is Lecturer of Chinese and head of the language programme at the East Asian Department of the University of Goettingen. In 2022, she obtained a Ph.D. through research titled “Retention and development of elements of pre-modern written language in modern Chinese written language”. Her research interests are Modern Chinese Linguistics, Ancient Chinese Philology, research on and development of teaching materials and didactics of Chinese. She is currently working on a textbook on pre-modern written Chinese for German university students.