BRI Program

Towards a New Global Order?
Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative


13:00-13:30 Welcome Address: Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen)
13:30-15:00 Session 1: The development strategy of China’s BRI: Ambitions, scope and challenges
  Chair: Katja Pessl (Göttingen)


1. Uwe Hoering (Stiftung Asienhaus): The Expansion of the Developmental State

2. Liang-Kung Yen (National Chengchi University): Assessing Demand and Progress in China’s Belt and Road Initiative: A Global Governance Perspective

3.Bart Dessein (Ghent): The BRI and Central Asia from a historical perspective

15:00-15:15 Coffee Break
15:15-16:45 Session 2: Regional implications and responses to China’s BRI
  Chair: Bart Dessein (Ghent)


1. Yu Jie (LSE): Money and Might: The uneasy relations between China and Southeast Asia with many belts and roads

2. Fabienne Bossuyt (Ghent): Connecting Eurasia: Is cooperation between the EU, China and Russia in Central Asia possible?

3. Frank Gaenssmantel (Groningen): Seizing the unseizable – the EU and the Belt and Road Initiative

16:45-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Panel Discussion: China’s Belt and Road Initiative – The Emergence of a New Global Order?
  Moderator: Maria Danilovich (Uppsala)

Panelists: Fabienne Bossuyt (Ghent), Sebastian Harnisch (Heidelberg), Uwe Hoering (Asienhaus), Yu Jie (LSE) Liang-Kung Yen (National Chengchi University)

18:30 Workshop Dinner


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Reading materials [password needed]