Yingming Theater Journal
Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors and columnists of the journal’s content are based in various countries and theatrical practices in different cultural contexts.
All issues and further information are available via the following webpage: https://yingmingtheater.com/issues/
Here a short sneak peak of issue 11:
目录 Contents:
01. 哥廷根声音地貌工作坊 // 敖玉敏 The Sound Topography of Göttingen // Yumin Ao
03. Was ist Unst?: 2020年格蒂·斯皮斯奖得主米罗·劳的政治剧场表达 // 景芳菲
What is art?: The Gerty Spies Literature Prize 2020 Winner Milo Rau’s Political Theater // Fangfei Jing
05. 《根特宣言》 // 一畦整理翻译 GHENT MANIFESTO // Translated by Yi Qi
07. 随风飘散的羽毛——约翰·尚利剧本《怀疑:一则寓言》分析 // 敖玉敏
Feathers in the Wind: A Play Review of Doubt, A Parable by John P. Shanley // Yumin Ao
14. 古典时期的戏剧(法国)// 赵昭 French Neoclassical Theatre // Zhao Zhao
15. 专访五行剧团艺术总监李施羽 // 敖玉敏 Interview to the Artistic Director of the Elements Theater Shiyu Li // Yumin Ao
17. 保留剧目轮演制 // 炻 The Repertory (Stock) System // Shi