Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors and columnists of the journal’s content are based in various countries and theatrical practices in different cultural contexts.
All issues and further information are available via the following webpage: https://yingmingtheater.com/issues/
Here a short sneak peak of issue 12:
- 观演的剧场与转化的剧场:博阿与被压迫者剧场体系 // 牛晓珒
Theater Appreciation and Theater for Transformation: Augusto Boal and the Theater of the Oppressed // Xiaojin Niu
- 达至真实?亚洲国家传统戏剧表演形式与斯坦尼表演方法的比较 // 冯韵珊
Reaching Reality: A Comparison between Asian Theatrical Tradition and Stanislavski’s Method Acting//Yunshan Feng
- 监狱戏剧的本土实践反思: 从工作坊协作者角度// 张筱叶
Reflections on Practices of Prison Theater in China: from the Perspective of a Drama Workshop Facilitator // Xiaoye Zhang
- 云端即兴剧场 // 许勇宽
Online Improvisational Theater // Yongkuan Xu
- 儿童剧《森林里的古怪舞》导演创作回想 // 梁婉云
The Director’s Thoughts on the Production of the Children’s Drama Strange Dance in the Forest // Wanyun Liang
- 古典时期的戏剧(法国II)// 赵昭
French Neoclassical Theatre II// Zhao Zhao
- 舞台调度 // 炻
Blocking in Theater // Shi